The Case Management department of MaxAbilities
will work with you to complete assessments which in turn will be used to develop an individualized Support Plan and assist in finding needed services. Case Managers will work with you to identify resources to meet your needs based on your preferences. Families are offered choices of Case Management providers.
While there are many choices of Case Management entities, MaxAbilities of York County has been offering Case Management (formerly Service Coordination) in York County since the inception of the community-based service model. Being the first, and for many years the only, Case Management agency in the county allows MaxAbilities to offer years of experience and in-depth knowledge of the York County community. Case Managers assist consumers to apply for and work with Medicaid Waivers to pay for services that State Plan Medicaid does not pay for. Federal Medicaid Waiver programs allow states to provide services to consumers in their homes and in their communities.
Individuals who have been found eligible for SCDDSN services may also be eligible for home and community-based Waiver services such as the ID/RD Waiver, The Community Support Waiver, and the HASCI Waiver. The ID/RD and the Community Supports Waiver both provide services for individuals with intellectual disabilities, Autism, and related disabilities. The HASCI waiver, which stands for head and spinal cord injury, is for individuals with such conditions to support them in their homes and community until they require skills in nursing home care.
In addition, Case Managers can also assist families who do not have Medicaid Waivers in finding supports and resources in the community such as school services, counseling, and financial needs as needed.
Our Mission is to maximize abilities for individuals with special needs in York County by Teaching, Empowering, Advocating and Mentoring.
7900 Park Place Rd.
York SC 29745
© 2025 Maxabilities of York County