Residential supports is a Medicaid Waiver funded program that requires the resident be placed on a special critical residential needs waiting list managed by SCDDSN prior to admission. There is a waiting list for this service as the need outweighs the supply. Individual circumstances and the level of need are taken into account when identifying residential candidates to fill vacancies. For questions about residential placement or to see if you/ your loved one qualifies for the state- managed critical residential needs waiting list, please contact your case management provider.
Community Residential Care Facilities (CRCF):
Licensed by DHEC, our four 8-bed homes provide 24-hour support, skills training and community integration to residents requiring higher intensity supports.
Community Training Homes II (CTH-II):
Licensed by SCDDSN, our 23 4-bed homes are located in communities across York County. These small homes provide 24-hour support, skills training and community activities to residents who are looking to maximize their independent living abilities.
Supervised Living Program II (SLP II):
Licensed by SCDDSN, our SLP II 20 -unit apartment complex provides 24-hour on-site staff support, independence skills training and community transportation to needed activities. Individuals residing in SLP II apartments must meet a minimum assessed level of safety skills and have a means of adequate income to qualify for this type of residential option.
Supervised Living Program I (SLP I):
This residential option provides qualified individuals residing in their own apartment/home (that has met a state safety evaluation) periodic supervision, transportation, and independence training. This level of residential support provides periodic in-person supports each week to assist the individual to meet safety needs and increase independent living skills.
These designations are given by the state, not the local York County agency. Your case manager will help you gather the necessary information to assess your current need. If the need is great, then a critical residential request packet will be put together and submitted on your behalf.
An individual’s residential request to be placed on the aging caregiver list is based on the age of the primary caregiver. The priority one list is for individuals who have applied for the critical waiting list but their request was not approved by the state as “critical”. The none-priority or future need list is for families preparing for the future needs of their loved ones.
All of these scenarios are dynamic and can quickly change. The case manager will be monitoring or will be the contact person for families to contact if a stable situation quickly changes. MaxAbilities of York County residential plan for the future is to grow to meet the needs of the county’s residents.
Our Mission is to maximize abilities for individuals with special needs in York County by Teaching, Empowering, Advocating and Mentoring.
7900 Park Place Rd.
York SC 29745
© 2025 Maxabilities of York County