If you believe a family member has an intellectual disability or a related disability such as autism, please call the intake and referral line toll-free at 1-800-289-7012. If a head injury or spinal cord injury is suspected the consumer or the family member can contact 1-866-867-3864. This toll-free line is staffed during normal business hours; however, messages can be left at any time with calls returned in the next two business days. Once they make the referral they will be given a choice of an intake provider, for which MaxAbilities is an intake provider.
If the applicant meets screening criteria, he/she will be provided with a list of available case management or early intervention (CM/EI) providers and will be automatically placed on the appropriate Medicaid Waiver waiting list. The family also has the option of contacting MaxAbilities directly at 803-628-5999 to assist with the intake process from the beginning.
You may also complete the initial screening tool online: www.ddsn.sc.gov/apply
A Case Manager will guide you once you complete the eligibility process with the intake worker. Once your family member is eligible for services and you choose your case management provider, that person will help you determine the services that you need and will assist you in applying for those services. Your Case Manager will provide you with a list of helpful and commonly used resources. If you loved one is school aged, the case manager can assist you with post education planning, attendance at IEP meetings and seeking family support funds for needed supports while waiting for waiver enrollment.
Respite services are available to families who have a higher level of need. Respite services are available through local family support funding or the CS, HASCI and ID/RD Waiver programs for those who qualify. Contact your Case Manager for more information.
Family Support Funds provide assistance to families in caring for an eligible person in order to avoid out-of-home placement. This service is directed toward individuals and families who can care for themselves or their family member at home, but incur additional expenses due to the person’s disability. Family Support Funds is not an entitlement program or a general public assistance benefit. Allocation of funding will be prioritized to assist individuals and families with the greatest needs that, if not provided are likely to result in out-of-home placement. Financial information is required when applying for Family Support Funds in order to demonstrate that the cost of services and supports is above the families’ ability to pay and that the family meets established income guidelines for this funding. However, funds for respite are not income tested. Family Support Funds are time limited. Persons participating in any Home and Community Based Program are not eligible for Family Support Funds. Family Support Funds are most frequently used for respite, medical care and assistive technology needs. For more information and availability of Family Support Funds, please contact your Early Interventionist, Case Manager or Family Supports Director at 803-628-5999.
A Waiver is a provision in the Federal Medicaid guidelines that allows people who meet specific criteria the opportunity to receive services and supports that enable them to live in their community or at home with their families. There are three types of waivers administered by SCDDSN: Intellectual Disabilities/Related Disabilities (ID/RD) Waiver, Head and Spinal Cord Injuries (HASCI) Waiver and the Community Supports Waiver (CSW).
Section 1915(c) of the Federal Social Security Act enables the SC Department of Health and Human services to collaborate with the South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special Needs (SCDDSN) to provide Home and Community-Based Waiver programs.
Waiver participants can receive Medicaid-funded services and supports in their own home and other community settings instead of in a nursing facility or institution. The cost of Medicaid Waiver services must be less expensive than or equal to the costs of institutional care.
Contact your Case Manager to be placed on the waiting list for the waiver program for which you best qualify.
MaxAbilities does not manage any waiver waiting list. Each state managed Waiver waiting list moves at a different speed based on a number of factors. The best course of action is to ensure you/ your family member is on the appropriate waiver waiting list as early as possible. All the waiting lists are long and some make takes years to move from the bottom to the top of the waiting list. You can obtain more specific information on your current number on the priority list for your waiver from your assigned case manager.
Implemented in 2023 in South Carolina, the federally mandated practice of conflict free case management requires that direct service provision agencies differ from the case management agency that authorizes said service.
Your case manager can direct you to the appropriate agency for assistance but cannot apply for benefits on your behalf. Your Case Manager can assist you in ensuring you have the appropriate forms to complete. For Medicaid eligibility you will contact the SCDHHS website: www.dhhs.sc.gov. For SSA benefits, contact www.ssa.gov.
All individuals seeking a waiver funded residential bed must be on the SCDDSN critical residential waiting list. In order to be placed on this specialized and limited list, your case manager will need to work with you to develop a critical residential needs packet to request to be placed on this waiting list. The determination of whether a person is placed on this list is made at the state level by SCDDSN. In extreme circumstances where the ability to move through the critical needs process is not possible, the case manager may assist in requesting institutional respite in a state facility.
It is never to early to start planning for services once an individual leaves the school system. All adult services are Medicaid Waiver funded so without a waiver, adult services are limited. While your child is in school, your case manager can be a vital part of your planning process. They can provide you information on adult supports so that while you child is in school, your team can be working on smooth transitions into the adult world.
Our Mission is to maximize abilities for individuals with special needs in York County by Teaching, Empowering, Advocating and Mentoring.
7900 Park Place Rd.
York SC 29745
© 2025 Maxabilities of York County