Encouraging Steps

In the first years of a child’s life, Early Intervention services can make a huge difference.

Our experienced professionals each have the highest early childhood intervention credentials and are qualified to provide your child with interactive teaching techniques specially developed for children from birth through 5 years of age.

Encouraging Steps understands your family’s needs and will help you as your child grows from a newborn into a happy and strong 5-year-old. Together, we will identify questions you may have about raising your child and help find answers to those questions, including:

  • “Does my child need therapy?”
  • “What services are available for my daughter?”
  • “How should I understand my son’s evaluations?”

Our families meet with Encouraging Steps’ Early Interventionists weekly in their child’s home or caregiver’s facility. These meetings will provide your child with developmentally appropriate instruction and inform you of ways to assist your child as he grows and develops. Our families also take advantage of our agency’s extensive experience and contacts with public and private agencies, which allow us to set up a program that works for you, your child, and your family. In addition, we provide special events for our families to enjoy with their children throughout the year, including a summer ice cream social and Christmas Party hosted by our Early Interventionists.

Our job is to maximize your child’s potential and assist you in planning for his future. Understanding how our children grow and learn is the first step to a happy and healthy child.

For a free screening for children birth to 3 years:

Contact your local BabyNet Office at (803) 222-5360.

For children older than 3 years, contact DDSN referral line at 1 (800) 289-7012.

Once you have completed the screening, if eligible you will be offered a choice
of providers. Encouraging Steps or MaxAbilities of York County will be one of those choices and we can help.

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